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MAGMA Energy Group software development section (SDS) Develops oil and gas software .We are a team of experts including petroleum engineers, computer software engineers and mathematicians writing a code to simulate the PVT Modeling automatically ,that is to say, the software should do all the work of regression by itself except the input of the data. The idea would be to let the computer does the tedious job of Phase behavior modeling by means of intelligent optimization algorithms. Hence it saves the time of reservoir studies.
MegaPVT is capable of examining most of the search space by a profound algorithm and it can do the sensitivity analysis fully automatically with updating the search space formed by matching parameters wherever needed. At the moment, the software simulates the Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo), Solution Gas (Rs), Oil Density resulting from Differential Liberation test and the CCE experiment without human intervention within at most 15 hours.
The code is currently being written in Compaq Visual Fortran and is going to be changed to Intel Visual Fortran which has been claimed by Intel that is at least 20% faster for Intel CPUs. The current optimization is Nelder-Mead Simplex method and the ongoing research is to find best optimization methods which are faster, more rigorous and able to find minimum of the EOS more stably.